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Take a long walk

Page history last edited by Sakaki 13 years, 11 months ago




Take a long walk is Greyashe's Fourth Ending theme. It begins on episode 40.


'Take a long walk'


I would have told you sooner,

But I thought you knew..


Stars are white hot memories submerged in blue.


Hike up your shorts and lets find your shoes

Time has allowed enough of itself to float by,


We've got stars to send to the sky.


We're just bags of skin and bones

Anatomy dictates, humans aren't made of things beautiful.


Just walking and talking about nothing; glancing at the sky,

Our submerged memories will never run dry.


We'll reach into the blue,

And oh; how it shines for you...how it shines...


We wake up surrounded by lights emerging from the blue,

Infinite; one for each of the things we do.





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