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Writers Block

Page history last edited by Sakaki 15 years, 4 months ago


Writer's Block is Vivid's 2nd Theme song. It's Duration was from Episodes 27-52.


Writer's Block.


The Pen pierces through the white clouds,

Hoping to grab a few of these thoughts billowing from my head.


Although a burning forest,

And the peaceful medow it came from are worlds apart.


The "Worst" case scenario

And the "Best" case are only one word different.


The blank sheet of paper before me

Burns my eyes, a white flag of defeat.


Taking a deep breath, I take in my surroundings,

Choke on a nearby stranger's second hand ignorance.


Today's the day I wage war and win!


Starting with a void a word falls screaming onto the page,

A dam bursts and more of them rain down.


Trickling from the pen they don't even have time to look back.

I take a piece of the sky, stick it on the paper, and 1,000 words later write it back.


I made sure when I took my sword out of my pocket

It was filled with ink.


I slayed the taciturn dragon once more,

And hoisted up a flag of blue, black, and red.


Sheathing my weapon only after this white flag looks like an autobiography.

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